Label Design

Custom fabric tags, Woven Labels, Care labels, printed labels , iron ons and more! .
The Apparel Agency provides you with everything you need for that professional retail ready look.

Need to source pre-made labels in different shapes and sizes? Our expert apparel consultants can help you choose the right look, feel and size of your labels. Our sourced labels are built to last with material strength, design and font readability in mind! Speak with an Apparel Agency representative today to see how we can help create that final professional touch to your garments that will make you stand out in retail!
Logo Design
Go beyond Apparel, Make your Brand pop across all visual Mediums! Online, in retail, on print, and on tv.
Dye & Wash Specifications
Achieve the right look and feel of your fabrics with our expert dye and wash knowledge.
Surface & Print Design
From patterns, text and graphics that pop to faded vintage looks and floral patterns, Get your prints done to perfection